Our personnel20182019
Men77 persons, ca. 76%80 persons, ca. 75%
Women24 persons, ca. 24%26 persons, ca. 25%
Group employees on average101106
Average age of personnel46 years45 years
Average number of years working for usca. 13.5 yearsca. 14 years
Accident frequency rate20182019
Accident frequency rate16.298.59
Electricity and heat production20182019
Electricity generation, GWh4,5023,994
Heat production, GWh1,3651,366
Environmental impacts:20182019
CO2 emissions, g/kWh212154
By-product utilisation20182019
ashes, %100100
gypsum, %100100
The nitrogen, sulphur and particle emissions from electricity acquired through EPV Energy’s generation shares20182019
Nitrogen oxide emissions, mg/kWh240.7135.5
Sulphur dioxide emissions, mg/kWh179.697.1
Particle emissions, mg/kWh7.54.7
Financial effects MEUR20182019
Purchases323.4 289.3
Wages, salaries and other remuneration for personnel7.17.6
Taxes and social expenses1.62.5
Property taxes as a whole1.41.6
Net financing costs to creditors6.25.2
Loan repayments to investors-32.116.7
Continuity of energy supply20182019
Power distribution (transmission from network to consumption), GWh7,2065,391*
Power distribution (transmission from network to consumption), GWh847866
Number of mains interruptions1214
number of persistent faults (more than 3 mins) among these01
* Starting in February 2019, the significant capacity of the transmission line from Sellee to Röyttä was removed from the figures for EPV Alueverkko and became the responsibility of EPV Teollisuusverkot.
Number of audits performed20182019
internal audits49
external audits22